Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 00:26:42 No.11734 del
There's lots of things that need be done, and many people much smarter than me. I'm not a socialist, and respect the rule of law (as far as it makes sense).
So I know there's limits as to what he can do (as a federal instance)......
But here's some questions:
Education is one key.
How is it allowed that kids are brainwashed with this gender/climate/race-baiting shit?
How is it that people are not getting tought classic ethics/morals, instead it counts what phone they have or what car their parents drive?
Why are is the quality (and salary) of teachers so bad, compared to let's say useless, lying lawyers?

What's up with high-fructose corn sugars?
What's up with adding cheap additives/fillers etc for the purpose of making more profit, but to the disadvantage of the consumer's health (FDA & lobbying)?
What's up with all kinds of hormones, chemicals etc in meat production?
Why not allow small farmers privately sell their own produce?

What's up with psychopharmaceuticals and their widespread use/prescription?

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