Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 00:59:53 No.11750 del

>>11713 'Thank you for your service.
>>11714 Many 0:00.xx's but that doesn't cut it for Anon's. pretty much

anon collected notes
>>11665 (Social Marketing - Win California to Republican >>7464) click that shit.
>>11670 Prince Andrew visited disgraced Jeffrey Epstein ‘to end friendship’ seems legit
>>11682 It's bullshit 5:5
>>11691 Friends in high places
>>11704 Correlation != causation
>>11718 President Donald Trump defended his decision to remove American forces from Syria during a press conference Monday
>>11720 Barr/Watkins material on 8ch (suggested reading)
>>11722 Anons ebeware, but not a UID in sight
>>11731 Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location (aint there repubs in the house too?)

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