Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 15:53:33 No.13997 del
> The big question is WHY were they released so we could find them? Cui bono?
These are the question that should be asked.
-Rudy did do investigations in Ukraine
-Rudy says Ukrainians came to him with info they already had in their files
-Rudy's info is from official sources in Ukraine
-Press conference yesterday by Ukrainian MP
-Info in these documents posted on the Russian site seem to match what we've found and what's been published (and some we don't know)
-What's in these documents that we didn't know and have no way to verify is the problem.

>Cui bono by posting them where we can find them?
How did OP know to be looking on a Russian site?
1. The guilty benefit by posting fake documents with legitimate info
>See, they are getting this info from RUSSIANS!!
2. It's hard to overstate the infighting and corruption in Ukraine amongst the oligarchs

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