Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 15:26:24 No.16458 del
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Mostly just POTUS' quotes >>16454

Donald Trump Drives Home Urgency to End ‘Never Ending Wars’ in Emotional Speech
by Charlie Spiering12 Oct 2019

President Donald Trump spoke at length about the sense of urgency to move troops out of the Middle East on Saturday, defending his decision not to defend the Kurds from Turkish aggression in Syria.
“These wars, they never end,” Trump said. “And we have to bring our great soldiers back from the never-ending wars.”

“Let them have their borders,” he said, referring to Turkey, “But I don’t think that our soldiers should be there for the next 50 years guarding a border between Turkey and Syria when we can’t guard our own borders at home.”

“We killed ISIS, we did our job, we have to go home,” he said, as the crowd applauded.

The military-industrial complex came down on me, so I went to get 100 percent,” he said.

“They’re overrated,” he said, praising instead the generals who were actually deployed overseas.

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