#jIFGUa 10/13/2019 (Sun) 16:23:56 No.16476 del
>>16396 i cant edit a post, nor would i. once its posted, its in stone. can only make a correction

as far as notables go
i think bread 9432 was half done
and nothing in bread 9433 was done
this bread 9434 i think we had a small notable run earlier
but if you would like to collect from bread 9432 forward that would be just great.

new baker around town woohoo \o/
have him run a test bake in the catalog for review
he also needs trips to confirm

micromanaging. ok anon heres how it works
im giving order, do this do that (get bakers) dont ask by whom
i relay order do this do that (need bakers)

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