Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 17:46:11 No.16527 del
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I respectfully disagree, social fag.
#ExposeCNN should be used as a guise to throw on anything and everything.
#Turkey (3K), #Syria (3.6 K) are also great choices and as soon as CNN is exposed, #BREAKING should be used.

#Where(i)sHunter, #Hunter, #Biden all dead as a doornail (50-100 twats/hour).
#Ukraine at a modest 130 twats/hour).
#tliab = ZERO
Anything Ilhan = next to ZERO

#PKK = 200+
#Kurds = 800+
ADVICE: use the simple hashtags (syria, turkey, kurds, pkk) and you'll go far.

Wanna talk about something else?
Hijack #ExposeCNN and insert any redpill of your choice.