Most people never visit the web’s thriving undergrowth, and the mainstream media exploits their ignorance to create Reefer Madness-style boogeymen out of niche subcultures, presenting them as petri dishes of far-right ideology. 8chan MSM view: A site for right-wing domestic terrorists to congregate and plot their shootings, cheer each other on, and upload their blood-thirsty manifestos about The Great Replacement, a “venomous refuge” of “extremist hate.” Quote:“There is no reasonable argument in 2019 for 8chan’s continued existence on the internet,” Mashable. In reality: Firstly, it’s not an al-Qaeda training camp, just a free-for-all public message board, with most of its posts comprising low-effort reactions, memes, and pictures of naked hentai women. More broadly, an outlet for saying the unsayable, whether in good faith, because one’s opinions are no longer acceptable in polite society, or for the sake of being edgy, and attacking cultural sacred cows. Toxicity rating: 7/10. Often ugly and sophomoric, but an inevitable vent for free speech in a society where the space for open discussion is shrinking.
>Nothing is FACT until it has been checked, double checked, triple checked and confirmed. >Even then you may not have the whole story.