Anonymous 10/17/2019 (Thu) 03:05:12 No.18971 del
Are you baker 0 or no?
>>18825 Anons' Guide to BO, BV, BAKER trips/names

>So []
>Bo [citizen o7]
>BV0 #jIFGUa []
>BAKER0 #sGrv/I []
>BAKER1 #JVih97 [rolling home]
>BAKER2 #wC2utB [barkeep baker]

>anon, i added my baker name and took out >baker0's, bc the only name that individual ever >identified with is "citizen o7"

Citizen o7 was first used by BO in response to my post.
He confirmed it again in response to another of my posts.
To my knowledge no one else has used the name citizen o7.

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