Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 01:52:31 No.19969 del
>social delivers the memes
Everything is fluid because things are always happening around the world (different time zones, the ME & Europe, Orient). We dig and make memes morning, noon and night because it's always [happening]

As far as social media active at night, see: >>19957 the graphic that shows social media most-active times (FAQ5)

>No mention
By whom?
Your comment is floating around with no anchor, no context.

Also, just because there is "no mention" doesn't mean that nothing is going on.
Have you heard any leaks from Huber's team?
This shit is extremely complicated (remember LOOP Capital??) - especially all the shell companies and fake orgs. So many things and people are interconnected over a long period that it takes time to tease that knot to find the strings ends. Once found, LE has to trace it under, over, between, through all the loops (heh) and twists to find the other end.

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