Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 03:42:40 No.20030 del

anon-collected notables #2 for thread #9438
>>19518 Did Ukraine teach President Trump how to deal with Turkey? (historical) moar: >>19521
>>19527 Quid pro quo? or no? Analysis
>>19542 EO 13894 10-14-19: Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Syria
>>19562 "Wild Night With 90mph Wind Gusts" - Bomb Cyclone Unleashes Hurricane-Force Winds In NE
>>19576 >>19794 Bitter cripple's tech updates on 8kun and his SJW tactics
>>19584 >>19585 >>19586 >>19596 >>19599 History of the Alamo & why it's important
>>19627 Bill Barr Subpoenas entire Chicago suburb Democrats >>19636 archive CT story (orig) >>19708
>>19713 >>19724 Barr story related to LOOP Capital? +info
>>>>19793 Barr Chicago subpoena story BIG -related to Getty, >>19815 Miller sisters >>19824 moar on Getty family
>>19629 Schlichter: Bad Gaslighting Epidemic Sweeps The Elite
>>19650 >>19765 >>19828 Dallas rally anon
>>19659 Functional board basics + community
>>19673 Odd POTUS tweet - AW laptop, DNC server, HRC emails - JoeD & VictoriaT on Lou Dobbs (maybe /ourguys/ have the server?!
>>19709 Boris Johnson gets EU Brexit deal; next hurdle is Parliament

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