Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 05:12:38 No.20058 del
We memed Trump into office, considered impossible. No boss, no hiearchy, no org chart, no one giving us orders, micro-managing our days for us, demanding charts delivered weekly on how many posts per topic in each thread.

Anons self-organize. It is part of being anon. We cannot be corralled or controlled or squeezed into little time frames or pinned into place on an org chart.

What is happening here is NOT self-organization, it is someone trying to organize us into a business-model org chart.

I can't believe this even needs to be explained, much less repeatedly. And that is only 1 reason the ONLY 2 bakers there were just left. The resistance to letting go and letting anons self-organize is self-defeating: making a detailed pyramid type business-model org chart, assigning roles, wanting reports on Friday is not working is it?

Has anyone agreed to do any of these externally-created roles?
Not one.
All the bakers left.
No one wants to be BOs employee.

Why? The answer is so blindingly obvious and has been stated repeatedly.

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