Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 00:16:49 No.22329 del
Massive ignorance showing here.

"Pammy" has never worked for Corsi. Corsi planted himself into Patriots Soapbox and caused massive division. He and his shill network continue at this.

There was certainly never a million dollars paid lol. Sauce (actual docs, receipts, some proof of a transaction being completed?) or gfto. (hint: gtfo)

The content that gets published on the site is submitted by people just like you or I who decide to write something up and submit it.

"Pammy" certainly does not control what gets published.

If you have a problem with the General or his connections, that's perfectly fine. Comment on the article, add discourse. Push the story forward or bring nefarious actors into the light.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, just because you have some massively ignorant misconceptions of the bathwater is... insane and not becoming of a critical thinking anon.