Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 16:41:33 No.23975 del
Slice of Sabbatai Pie

>Regarded by many Jews as a mere historical footnote, Sabbatai Zevi is nonetheless “a symbol for some Montenegrins and Albanians of their distinct identity as well as an interfaith and intercultural bridge to the West and Judaism,” according to Eliezer Papo, a scholar on Balkan Jewish history at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

Especially for the secretive Bektashi Shiite sect, Sabbatai Zevi is “an element through which to express their genuine philosemitism, to ‘market themselves’ to the West and to some extent to also draw tourism to Ulcinj and the region,” Papo said. “But I wouldn’t say Zevi is integral to the religious identity of the region. It’s a recent addition.”