Anonymous 11/01/2019 (Fri) 21:27:31 No.28802 del
(9.46 KB 255x246 pepeStare.jpg)
>The left wants Trump supporters scared. They want us hesitant to express our perspectives.
Give twat a break. The censors have to spend a lot of time deciphering hand signals, determining if a twat containing "Yikes" is innocent or a code for kikes, flagging all the pro Trump posts to a Trump tweet for insertion into "Potential Mass Shooter" database and syncing with the CIA's "Trump Following Far-Rightwing Extremest White Terrorists" database, deleting offensive Pepes and Honklers, back tracing IP's of Fox News fans to the chans/r_thedonald/or Gateway Pundit reply threads for potential doxxing, etc.
It's a lot of work, tracking such dangerous degenerates. A funny twat about good ways to kill MAGA supporters with fentanyl just isn't terroristic. Such posts tend to seed thoughtful discussions regarding efficient tactics to erradicate toxic thoughts from society.