Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 00:24:06 No.28933 del
>they stopped with allowing memes/links. So we need other options.
What is the goal?

-rally the base
-instill questions in undecideds
-instill questions in weak supporters (of left)
-instill questions in moderate supporters (of left)
-instill/amplify CogDis in moderate/strong supporters (of left)
-give permission to think differently in undecideds, weak/moderate supporters (of left)
-inspire undecideds to hop off the fence to MAGA side

>Leftists 100% end up calling me names and blocking me.
Then you are doing it wrong. The goal is NOT to smack them on the nose and shame them, humiliate or bully them (however fun trolling is, and it IS fun). The goal for leftists is to
-plant seed
-inspire doubt in their ideology

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