Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 03:40:52 No.29128 del
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I'll play.

* Starts with lowercase "l" in "love" (see later)
* "brother if Fredo" if Fredo = CNN's Coumo, then he can't tell which is the stupid brother (Fredo). Double whammy, basically "which is stupider? I can't even tell!" (shitposter in chief)
* Weaponized prosecutors = NY keeps trying to fuck with Trump (tax returns, etc)
> his dirty work
> keep him out of jams
(sticky situations, exploiting the legal system = collusion).
Note WHICH Cuomo is again not specified, can you see why? :)

> Some don't want to be in New York, and another reason they are leaving
* traitors, OUT!

> Taxes and energy costs are way too high
* Why do we have income tax?

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