Anonymous 11/07/2019 (Thu) 03:54:28 No.32363 del
(98.55 KB 700x693 love Vegas.jpg)
(93.02 KB 800x446 Night shift.jpg)
Practice fire.
Keep in mind, nothing works unless we all go at once, same action.
Nice work focusing the crew.
Easy meme idea: pic of POTUS w twt overlay re Eddie.
Those w POTUS instantly share because they want to help POTUS.
Monitoring Elections, we did well, lost 1, won others.
Weird how that went, but dif post for that.
Signs, #theFlippening, now winning Elections after Trump visit/Anon push.
We are doing GOOD, keep it up.
What exactly are we doing when successful?
Think chess pieces.
Once in position, moar power.
If we control who gains position, we have power.
If they f up a lil bit, out next Election or sooner.
It's a long game.
WarRoom has open positions.

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