Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 23:17:13 No.3252 del
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Sweden has begun sending some illegal immigrants back to their countries of origin as long-awaited tough new laws come into effect.

The Swedish government has long been criticized for its relaxed border policy regarding mass-immigration.

According to a report by Fria Tider, Sweden has repatriated 50 migrants back to Kabul, Afghanistan – the largest deportation of migrants back to their home country at a single time. reports: As a result of the repatriations, demonstrations occurred outside the Migration Board detention center in Märsta on Tuesday night, Dagans Nyheter reports.

Despite the protests, the deportation of the illegal migrations was carried out as planned.

So far this year, the Swedish government has already expelled more Afghan migrants than it did during the whole of 2018. The reason: a new law which has increased cooperation between Swedish and Afghan authorities.

“The old high school law, which basically was designed stop to enforcement, has changed. We have an agreement between the EU and Afghanistan and between Sweden and Afghanistan that facilitates the return,” said Patrik Engström, the head of the Border Police, to SVT.

Of the 50 migrants who were expelled, three of them were allegedly forced to leave the country due to crime, while the rest had immigrated illegally and then had their asylum applications subsequently denied by Swedish authorities.


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