Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 00:54:35 No.33171 del
A few thoughts…
You’ve got something here that is growing, organically. You can’t force it to grow and get bigger or better. It will grow on it’s own merits and anons merits, you know some anons are incredibly insightful and some are great diggers and some are memers. Me? I pray, and I feel my prayers are very powerful, I don’t know that, but I feel that.
You can nurture this environment you have created, I don’t know how, but don’t beat anons to do your bidding.
Memers need room to work and (I don’t think) respond very well to orders. I’m not a memer but it looks like an artistic thing and art cannot be forced out of someone. It comes on its own.
Please for the sake of this bunker back off a bit and let anons be anons and do their own thing. Giving orders and shouting at anons is counter productive at best and chases off the very anons you seek to attract at worst.
God bless you, I pray for anons every night,
Respectfully, Old anon

I personally like the idea of ID’s for anons.