Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 22:03:34 Id: 188331 No.337 del
(2.33 MB 1280x720 1565472884526.webm)
>Ghislaine Maxwell
>close associate of financier Jeffrey Epstein
>become an advocate for the ocean as founder of The TerraMar Project.
>The TerraMar Project, based in New York, New York, was[1] an environmentalist non-profit organization involved in protecting the world's oceans.
>Their mission is to create a "global ocean community" based around the idea of shared ownership of the global commons, also known as the high seas or international waters.
>international waters or trans-boundary waters
>high seas or, in Latin, mare liberum (meaning free sea). The Convention on the High Seas, signed in 1958
>The high seas are the international waters where no state has jurisdiction.


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