Anonymous 11/11/2019 (Mon) 07:15:13 No.34768 del
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New Whistleblower Leak - Documents Show Kentucky Election Was Rigged!

Millennial Millie vid at: [Embed] (only captured the front page, not the vid)


This video describes how some whistleblower sent hundreds of documents, audit logs from inside the voter machines, ballots, fake transactions, checks, shredded papers taped back together, official admin passwords for machines, etc. to the ladies in the vid. It's a mother lode of leaked confirmed legitimate documents from an insider whistleblower. Appears to be someone working for the company (Harp Enterprises - ) that runs the election machines for KY and other states who is showing there was significant amount of voter fraud in Kentucky. They talk about how the head of the company that owns the machines and his wife are getting small payments 3x/month from a foreign entity - have received over a $100K total already. The company giving the money to the owner is a Norwegian/German/UK-owned company based in Switzerland - one of their companies is Dynaplan - the parent company makes the metal case for the machines - the software is SIAsomething. Some of their software helps entities rig elections where you plug in how much you want to win by and the software tells you where to pull votes from and how to script it to get the desired results. It's not just the machines and the election company, it's also the people that are counting the ballots who are involved. The ladies have received emails in the doc dump that are between the owner of the voter machine company and his employees that are full of vehement, hateful rants against POTUS and the Republicans. TO REPEAT - the people who own the machines and run the elections hate Trump!

The ladies said the same company that counts ballots and runs the machines also has access to (monitors, services, installs, updates, runs) every county clerk's computer in the states in which they operate.

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