Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:11:12 No.3671 del
(36.72 KB 174x144 CashMeOussideYo.png)
Pic unrelated.

Concernfagging here.

Interesting how much traction/interest this Parse Syntax Grammar has gotten in such a short time.
Listening to Russell Jay Gould is about the same as listening to the ramblings of Field McConnell. They are both delusional in their own right.
This all reeks of NWO, one-world government, one world leader stuff.
Think George Orwell's "1984" Newspeak. Essentially, it's the dumbing down of the populous.
Think how many would jump on board if they thought that their Freddie or Fannie mortgage could be nullified in court by a class action lawsuit.
Proceed with caution. Seek discernment and wisdom in dealing with this stuff.