Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 07:08:05 No.36839 del
Yes. They erected Baal and they want to conjure him after they destroy Jerusalem. They're doing this old ass (like many thousands of years old, maybe millions) LARP. What a bunch of faggots...

This is hard to explain without having a first hand perspective.
Think of it like you are here but not formed, like you can perceive but not interact as easily as you can now.
Again, you are not your body and just because your body holds you here when you're "alive" doesn't mean that when you're not you aren't here any more.
The "after-life" isn't sunshine, rainbows, 72 virgins and all you can eat buffet. No, we will keep returning until this is fucking finished.
This is the same reason you can't just an-hero and expect to hang out with god and your grandma. You have shit to do. Fucking figure it out.

Osiris isn't Saturn. Saturn is Set, who Osiris was murdered by, his brother.

>2 gas giants...
If I answered those two questions, then we'd both just be spit-balling here.

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