Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 12:16:19 No.36877 del

Well, well, well… Look at the Luciferian Left shills getting exposed. It takes a victim of CIA child trafficking to untangle the web of CIA shills employed to cover up the Tuscon Arizona child trafficking operation for the Clinton Foundation, John McCain Foundation, and Tuscon Mayor Jonathan Rothschild (of the world ruling Luciferian dynasty) who are the ultimate benefactors of child trafficking which the CIA coordinates as a single, integrated world operation. An estimated 10,000 kidnapped children were being trafficked per year between the USA and the satanic MS-13 cartel in South America, via land routes owned by Native Americans, corrupt ranch owners or renters (like KYLE CUTRELL), and Cemex cement, before a bunch of volunteer welfare workers stumbled upon a child sex trafficking holding camp near Tuscon, AZ.

Let’s take a look at the CIA child trafficking shills that have been outed recently, no doubt thanks to the public’s prayer efforts:

1. Gabe Hoffman

Woah, this was a goody. We uncovered spectacular evidence that Gabe Hoffman and his lame ‘An Open Secret’ child abuse film are shitty CIA fronts. In 2015, Gabe Hoffman threatened to sue one of the victims for outing Hoffman and his film as a fake. Here’s the lawyer’s letter in all it’s glory:

Sorry, as I pause to crack a beer…

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