Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 20:29:55 No.37033 del
Planets and Gods
>>36787 chaos/aether = void nothingness = Father of Gaea and Eros
>>36803 Uranus was close to Earth, until Saturn overthrew the planet god
>>36806 I think you should watch this (astral traveling?) [Embed]
>>36809 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God
>>36816 God breathed life into Adam, gave him His spirit and the freedom to develop a soul
>>36819 Jesus is really Horus (Jupiter) born of Osiris (Saturn) and Isis (Venus)
>>36820 All of us leave or none of us leave (WWG1WGA) or Play Again [reincarnate]
>>36821 ever heard of an earth battery (vessel)
>>36826 Also, they call it The Creator. (The Great Attractor?)
>>36829 check more of maynards work (Maynard Adams - Southern Philosopher)
>>36831 uranus = sol = electricity = soul? we are multidimensional.
>>36832 The 'soul' is energy, as the human body is basically a battery/vessel
>>36833 moloch?
>>36834 I've been dropping decodes of Tool >>36829
>>36834 I suppose they're wanting to call it a higher vibration. >>36830 (Ultimately, you return to the spark, Sol.)
>>36835 the great attractor = the creator

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