Anonymous 11/20/2019 (Wed) 13:53:25 No.39211 del
(198.00 KB 800x548 telomeres.jpg)

General rambling on the two telomere papers.

Cell anatomy.
First paper is on
"sub telomere" structures

telomeres are connected with cell aging in this Kristy Nickles UGA MSc thesis

telomerase (enzyme) will lengthen telos. Does this make the cell young again? Yes, possibly - but they are not the master control.

David Sinclair did the early work, found a company called Sirutis sold his company to GLX April 2008

>Glaxo paid $720 million to acquire Sirtris in April 2008, to get ahold of technology that generated lots of breathless media coverage as a modern-day fountain of youth. ... The research into the biological role of sirtuins, from Sirtris co-founder David Sinclair, has attracted its share of skeptics.

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