SOURCE-X #zOkA7p 11/21/2019 (Thu) 17:10:40 No.39968 del

Thanks heavens at least one person gets it. It is basically a war of We The People against The Shadow Government and the Deep State, the SES - CIA - Soros - Hillary - Obama - British Empire cabal running a fake "Q" larp and getting all going down rabbit holes with false, mis-leading info. The legit Q, on the other hand is a patriot and so far has not been proven wrong. Errors in spelling occur with all, even Trump. That is not important. The important this is that we educate people and restore the Republic. The fake versions of Q will not truly help you do that nor will then inform you all the basic information we need to restore the broken Republic which is no more, as explained here:

https: //

This so called "Q" or actually version 5 of Q which many have been following will not reveal any of this to you nor will he tell you how all countries can mint their new currencies free of the Fed and US. Treasury which are under state capture by the Venetian Black Nobility Crown - Khazarian mafia banking cartel.

Listen to lies if you wish or listen to the truth. If we need a psyop by We The People to counter the Strzok - Comey - Mueller Cross Fire Hurricane, so be it. I need not any credit. I only desire to restore the Republic which is no more...