Anonymous 11/22/2019 (Fri) 00:52:44 No.40285 del

In the latest qdrop, the newslady says "el paso las cruces communities" within the first half dozen seconds of the twitter video.

The el paso shooter was patrick crusius, who allegedly drove hundreds of miles to commit the shooting (*cough* bullsh¡t *cough*).

His father was Bryan crusius, who was practicing earth grid ley line geomancy using crystals and sacred geometry which is waaaaay forbidden magick that only Thoth the Atlantean (hermes motherfucking trismegistus) would EVER practice irl. No srsly look it up.

On the eve of the great Infinitychan shutdown of aug 3 2019, /Qresearch/ began revealing info which indicated that jeffrey epstein on little st james pedo island was practicing black magick by imitating the crux/crucis constellation for human sacrifice rituals.


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