Anonymous 12/14/2019 (Sat) 16:52:13 No.42358 del
Town sounds rough and mean.
Chance to relocate.
Print screen your post.
Show it to anyone you try to rent from.
If no one gives you a chance, town is not survivable; time to move, imo.
Continue to do GOOD deeds.
ime, sometimes they come back
lying has a way of backfiring, ime
These days i have Faith the Words will be w me when I need them, not before.
Most times, honesty earns the most respect, thus the most trust, thus the most opportunities.
Dogs; think country, open area.
Mainly, it's keep warm and water.
All more is luxury.
Ears open, eyes open, humbleness, avoid evil people for they will recognize your desperation and take advantage.
Avoid drinking/drugs, esp now when you need to be your most presentable, when you need all your awareness.

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