Anonymous 12/14/2019 (Sat) 18:25:51 No.42369 del
Have fun with it!
Is there a better use of your time than helping to save the world?

We used to have a fair amount of active people here, and high intelligence. Seems like several went silent. Wanted to keep this place a little ahead of kun, to prepare the influencers to guide the anons who guide the world. Maybe we still can?
I'd like to keep this place "difficult to find, but not if you're looking in the right places" to keep the folks here of high caliber and focus direction/discussion. But, we've also dwindled massively in traffic since kun launched so....
Up to Gerbil to decide how to approach this. I drop on a rate depending on folks noticing (has to be organic, or close). Most of my proofs aren't acknowledged (let us keep it that way), and some of my clues aren't followed (or at
least I don't see them mentioned).
Anyway, I'm droning on here, so I'll leave you guys to it. Great work on keeping the USMCA talk alive (and look at the results!)
Let's see how you rock Voter ID! Ohio, etc., it's coming back to the news cycle. Watch Tom Fitton.

<3 Bless.