Anonymous 12/16/2019 (Mon) 23:11:40 No.42447 del
>Next, yes, you are here picking fights.
I am not picking any fight. The ones picking the fight are the ones who stole the movement I created and then blocked me from telling the truth and wiped years of my work from the net to prevent people from finding it. How would you feel if the Shadow Government or the Deep State did this to you and then ran with the movement you created and subverted it with lies?

>You are contributing nothing of value except "Stop trying, you guys are doing it wrong, go to this sketchy URL so I can track your IP and put you on muh list."

In your opinion I am contributing nothing. I takes me from two days up to 3 days sometime to create each unique blog post and I am not paid one penny for it. Stop complaining and read the info I have posted.
>Again, if you have the good ideas, provide them. If you have pure intentions, stop trying to divide.
I have provided my good ideas, including I am the author of the plan to unite the two Koreas, which Trump ran with, coined the terms The Storm, Shifty Schiff and many other terms that even Trump uses now. And yet you say I contribute nothing. I even created a plan to stop elections rigging, the plan to restore the Republic and the legit Plan to free the planet. I was first to crack how the take over of the digital P.K.I keys has led to a host of technologies. I was first to crack how the CIA - CrowdStrike took control of the master keys... I expose elections rigging and am first with many new innovative ideas, yet you claim I am contributing nothing...obviously you are confused and lack any basis for your claims...clueless actually...

>If someone actually took over your movement (lol), then screw it, start another one on the side.

I already spent two years on this and have much work in real life to do...I cannot afford to spend more time on this then I already am..the blog posts I write already is a full time job...and I am not paid one penny for it..

Continued next post...

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