Anonymous 12/16/2019 (Mon) 23:12:41 No.42449 del
> It is a psyop if it is not possible under the present conditions

So, the weatherman says it's going to rain tomorrow. That's a psyop until it rains?
Or a better example. In 200 days from now, we will be in Summer. That's a psyop because it's not possible to be in summEr now?
I don't follow.

> I have shared them many times in my blog posts

Okay. Still not clicking those. Post screenshots if you don't like copy+paste. You do know how we document things, riiiiiiight?

> I fight only for the truth.
A disproven distortion of reality, maybe. And if you prove yourself true, hypothetically, of course, then how does that help anything? You've now indirectly admitted to famefagging. Don't try to play checkers against a grandmaster.......

> I can show you one by one how all the proofs are fake.

Alright, let's try a recent one: the latest tripcode update. How did 4 10 20 manage to include in capital letters ALL but the letter "q" matching the new tripcode within one minute of assignment?
Let's see you disprove math/statistics+probability.

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