Anonymous 03/01/2020 (Sun) 11:08:13 No.45480 del
(88.63 KB 826x810 Daniel.png)
>Know Truth, no Violence. (member?)
Know Truth, no violence. (member?)
sometimes the sneaky mistakes gets in and becomes a sin (took me long Time to SEE that1)
sometimes catch the sneaky snake b4
when can catch b4 the bite, we save ourselves
i wish i knew this sooner, so i tell it now for...
sometimes i feelz like Daniel, kek
(pic related) not this Daniel, the other, kek
Night Shift
The World watches
Waters watches
thank you to our SecretAdmirers.
we see (you) too
we hear (you)
we like it loud, kek
in between the pause can will find GOOD and recognize evil
choice becomes ours

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