Anonymous 03/24/2020 (Tue) 17:31:13 No.45905 del
(130.52 KB 800x600 rod slow declas.jpg)
(171.75 KB 937x809 Trump declas.jpg)
When to use DECLAS card?
_ was going to play it sooner, but not needed yet?
have still for when?
If use it after Elections 2020, how does that look?
So must use it by when?
Some know, some don't know.
when moar know, changes the game (board)
when enough know, changes the rules
Elections are great opportunities
Vote fake leaders out; nancy, schumer, shiff, etc
RINOs also
Enjoy Time at Home/Fam/Frens while Country heals
less move around, less virus spread; 15 days, ty.
God, please take care of those near the virus, ty.
Calm, Faith, 'see something, say something'
CourageousAnons, ty.