Anonymous 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:22:56 No.45985 del
'While the world is absorbed in the Coronavirus drama, yet another caravan of illegal immigrants is heading north to the United States from Central America. The group departed recently from the northern Honduran city of San Pedro Sula and is making its way to Guatemala en route to the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. The final destination is the U.S., according to a Mexican news report that reveals the caravan has some 500 Central Americans but is expected to grow along the way. “They left their country due to a lack of work opportunities and prevailing violence,” according to the Spanish-language article published a few days ago.

The illegal immigrants are expected to arrive late this week in the Guatemalan city of Tecún Umán, a heavily transited border crossing into Mexico. Earlier this month a Guatemalan newspaper reported that, despite the global Coronavirus pandemic, cross border travel between Mexico and Guatemala continues full throttle without any sort of health screenings. It is very unlikely the new group of illegal immigrants will be monitored for health issues as it makes its way north. This marks the third organized Central American caravan that tries to enter Mexico. The most recent one, with about 2,000 Central Americans, took off earlier this year and was largely intercepted by Mexican authorities in Hidalgo.

At the time Honduran authorities disclosed that four Iranian nationals had been arrested after entering the crime-infested nation illegally. The men were heading north to the United States, according to a Honduran newspaper article that attributed the information to the president, Juan Orlando Hernández. The Iranians were transported to the capital, Tegucigalpa, and officials reportedly launched an investigation. The worrisome incident coincided with a U.S. alert warning Mexico of armed Iranians planning to enter the country through the southern border, further illustrating the national security dangers of unmonitored human caravans.'