Anonymous 02/05/2021 (Fri) 14:29:49 No.50478 del
I am still looking for confirmation, but it is being suggested that the FBI agents, Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger, who were shot in the line of duty February 2, 2021 were acting an arrest warrant that culminated from information out of Hunter Biden's laptop.

Alfin was the main face behind the investigation into Playpen (Operation Pacifier), which is believed to be the largest child pornography website in the darknet. The investigation led to a massive number of arrests. While around 900 people were taken into custody for their involvement with Playpen, children around the world and United States were rescued.

Both Agents were employed in the Violent Crimes Against Children FBI Division.

FAKEPresidnt Biden said, " that the special agents "paid a hell of a price" for putting their lives on the line."