Anonymous 02/22/2021 (Mon) 16:32:03 No.50781 del
the COVID vax is an IQ test…

- assume death rate for covid vax per VAERS holds at 4.18%
- assume plans to vaccinate all US adults 18+
- that implies 8.74 million expected vaccine deaths (based on what we know so far) if every single adult in the US took the vax
- so far total covid deaths are 500k out of 28.1 million cases, which implies a death rate of 1.78%
- extrapolate the death rate to full US population, which implies 5.84 million deaths if every single person in the US got covid

8.74 million deaths > 5.84 million deaths
*even people who had common core math understand 8.74 is bigger than 5.84 class="quoteLink" href="/qanonresearch/res/13022444.html#13022444">>>13022444