Anonymous 03/05/2021 (Fri) 08:33:07 No.50946 del
I got extensive info on OSS, got nothing on doodle. But i do see that anyone who tries to bake on /qr/ (and restore order) will eventually get attacked. Somebody wants chaos and will never let things settle.

i know it was a ty, why i wrote back. Problem is long-time conflict between the kitchen and WR, going back to a year ago. Conflict still exists and caused many problems from our pov - so yer not gonna get a lot of love if you visit MNR. i did notable your list, ty - but best not to take that as an endorsement.

Just so you know, MNR is NOT splitting bakes or making other mischief on QR.

The accusations of 'MNR fuckery' comes either from oss or other shills trying to destroy QR. They need a scapegoat to cover what they are up to. Watch carefully and you'll notice the pattern.