Anonymous 06/30/2022 (Thu) 17:16:28 No.55872 del
Why I’m Attending the Canada Day Protests

I wasn’t always this way.

Pre-pandemic, I lived a quiet, comfortable, relatively apolitical existence. My days were filled with activities and certainty — a life of carefully established routines ingrained into my being over the years. I wasn’t an activist. I wasn’t a researcher. I wasn’t anything of consequence, really.

But, of course, in 2020, that all changed.

My Mother passed away during lockdowns. A brief remote goodbye was granted to me over a video call to a body already devoid of life, followed by a quick cremation in the absence of a proper funeral. That was my goodbye.

I realized then we were wrong for agreeing to lockdown rules, but I had yet to realize just how wrong we could be.