Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 05:39:51 No.6022 del
>Know it will come. And then let go.
Know Truth, what a lucky Anon, you would think.
But knowing Truth is kinda hard, no?
But I find Anon hearts absorb that pain and turn into something; perhaps a signal for the People.
It is 1 reason the Anons are loved World wide.
When I think of Anons being cheered for at Trump rallies, i smile.
A silly dream i woulda thought years ago.
But with the help of Anons and People, what is impossible?
Space travel?
Time travel?
Maybe, kek.
Realize the power, focus the energy, aim for the fences.
I thought it would get easier; naive.
Final bosses are not easy.

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