Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:29:54 No.6527 del
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While collecting hit pieces on 8chan and Q, found this one--a real whopper! Buzzfeed is attempting to discredit POTUS over UkrainianPhonecallGate by linking the story to US and 4chan. (Endchan might be next--just look at the name of this thread.) Argument is that the critique of Crowdstrike is a conspiracy theory. Kind of pathetic, but a reminder that (((they))) are watching media like ours. (Wonder whether they'll issue a retraction when it all turns out to be true.)

Here's How Donald Trump Ended Up Referencing A Russian-Promoted 4chan Conspiracy Theory In His Call To The Ukrainian President
From the depths of 4chan, to the president’s mouth, and then back to the depths of 4chan
by Ryan Broderick

The White House released the record of a call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday. According to the document, Trump asked Zelensky to do him a “favor” and investigate the origins of the Russia probe as well as former vice president Joe Biden.

As the country’s mainstream media swarmed over the staff-written memorandum of the conversation, anonymous radicalized communities like 4chan and far-right pockets of Facebook, Reddit, and Telegram focused on something else. It wasn’t the possible abuse of power that sent them into a fervor, but instead the American president’s mention of CrowdStrike, a company that provides security, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services, and which the Democratic National Committee hired to investigate the hack of its servers during the 2016 election campaign.

In the memorandum, Trump says to Zelensky, “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it.”......

One large 4chan thread was titled “HAPPENING: CROWDSTRIKE SERVER RELEASE IMMINENT,” another, “What is CrowdStrike, and why does their server seem to be important?” and another, “ULTIMATE HAPPENING: Trump mentions CROWDSTRIKE in Transcript release, Tied to DNC server & Seth Rich.”.....

For Trump’s online fanbase, for CrowdStrike to make its way into the president’s conversation with a foreign leader — and to be subject of mainstream news articles (like the one you’re reading right now) — is vindication of a years long conspiracy theory. Here’s how CrowdStrike bubbled up from the online sludge and into the mouth of the American president — and may become part of the impeachment investigations......

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