Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:41:25 No.6532 del


Also you should consider that infinity failed its last stress Q&A.

What they are likely doing is benchmarking right to try and meet the numbers Q expected them to meet.

Handing the equivalent of say, facebook, requires being able to handle in excess of simultaneous 75,000 or so connections, which is alot as far as concurrency goes; facebook only maintains a connection for about 2-3 minutes before going idle (until you move your mouse) rather than trying to serve hundreds of millions of people continually. These numbers aren't very difficult or too expensive to achieve if you aim for a similar model.

Handling 8ch threads is slightly more difficult, because the updates move more quickly, something like 1/50th to 1/750th as efficient, depending on your settings. If they were to implement loading based on window scroll position they would be able to handle it better, so here is to hoping we see something like that.

Code not withstanding, they will also need quite a bit more redundant hardware for DDOS mitigation. From comments from Jim I'm going to say this is probably already done.