Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 09:44:36 No.7408 del
>>7399 Anon asks for Truth of HRC/Trump pic
>>7400 Buzzfeed has become arrogant
>>7391 Buzzfeed is trying to discredit the Crowdstrike story by saying it started with 4chan & Q.
>>7386 Fertile ground for redpilling people.
>>7383 Red pill Larry Sanger
>>7372 >>7365 Thoughtz on ego
>>7363 This anon knew Isaac Kappy
>>7360 >>7363 "anonymity"
>>7357 Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]
>>7354 >>7345 How and why Ezra Cohen-Watnick is the whistleblower
>>7287 Ezra '...while others at the time seemed to think he was a really good guy...'
>>7207 Ezra Cohen-Watnick, an ex intern for Joe Biden
>>7351 Sundance makes a case for Michael Barry re Whistleblower
>>7336 'On 8chan, i bake every day. It's challenging.' TY Baker
>>7324 >>7305 JohnHereToHelp Interview re Seth Rich
>>7319 Do not be a low hanging fruit (Final and Only Warning)
>>7316 We each have different skillsets, knowledge and abilities (and time we can dedicate), so all must be respected for whatever we contribute

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