Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 18:01:03 No.9662 del
>The next time child trafficking is mentioned it can be dismissed with "Oh yeah like they eat babies too right?'
You seem to forget, Planned Parenthood brought up the baby parts being sold.
McDonald's used human flesh in their meat products, which is in a story from 2015.
The guy up in Washington or Oregon that had thousands of infants parts stored in his house, who just happened to be a former employee of PP.
Both of which were covered by media outlets, but no one took them seriously, like the light your trying to shine on it now.
But keep in mind, when that shit goes to hit the mainline, there's going to be shit loads of dominoes falling.
From individuals to political leaders.
This is just another way of getting the topic out into the open.
Did you notice AOC's face while that deranged critter was talking? Did you notice the faces of the people around her. All blanks.
Like I said, it's just another way of this particular story to get out and into the open.