#JVih97 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:59:15 No.9966 del
Notables #9426
through post @9900

Baker #1
>>9463, >>9867 WH lit up in RED ("Red October")? No--story is from one year ago, kek
>>9465 Qchose 8chan for a reason
>>9482 What is sedition?
>>9486 WH may refuse cooperation unless Pelosi calls a vote on impeachment
>>9490, >>9572, >>9695 Baker discusses shills, chills & future thrills (why filter?)
>>9494 DeNiro sued by former employees for harassment, gender discrimination
>>9504, >>9582, >>9592, >>9732 Pompeo on meeting with President of Montenegro
>>9505, >>9713, >>9731, >>9734 Volker testimony undermines Dem narrative
>>9687 Kurt Volker testimony in Congress Oct 3
>>9511 AOC to Trump: it's better to be a 'wack' job than a criminal
>>9517, >>9521, >>9856, >>9532, >>9548, >>9550, >>9625, >>9644, >>9645, >>9707 "We gotta start eatin' the babies (straight stories plus satires, goes viral)
>>9524 Rep. Collins drops amicus curiae brief in support of impeachment denial

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