Anonymous 11/09/2019 (Sat) 10:05:47 No.367 del
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Hallo true men of america. We are free my friend. As knights ride on across europe knights of europe we are in america my friend. so we need to fight for america. This is a totale witch hunt crusade against all true men of reason in the usa and abroad. I know a man he was in asia and they just drown his spirit in a smart asian fog. True white man of america true nigger of america unite and fight the cabal. Cut the puppet strings and brute your way onwards my friend. I do not cause discord i come here to you for freedom. The freedom of buisness man shaking hand no pedophile no secret society. They are standard of man vetted for dealing with vetted people above them. Who are you? Are you patriot? Or are you famefag namefag? Don't be the namefag. Anonymous never forgive never forget the men who died to keep our country free. Many real men soldier both sides dying for their countries.