Anonymous 10/03/2021 (Sun) 03:24:00 Id: d1cb12 No.10581 del
Now we can put together the pieces - at least, the pieces we have so far.


There are THREE big "streams of influence" (although the UBS stream can be broken down in two):

1. Staple Street Capital / Carlyle Group / Cerberus
Staple Street formally owns Dominion but its two co-founders - Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh - "are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital Management, respectively, and first worked together in Carlyle's US Buyout Group starting in 1998."

2. UBS-Sec NYC (and potentially, UBS-Sec Beijing bc they are connected)
OR the clients for whom they brokered the deal on 10-8-2020

3. UBS AG - huge Swiss Bank
the huge Swiss bank that owns both UBS-Sec NYC and UBS-Sec Beijing

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Edited last time by Rolling_Home on 11/07/2021 (Sun) 19:02:18.