Anonymous 10/16/2021 (Sat) 03:21:22 Id: 9ef9af No.10954 del
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'''They are using pandemic and vaccines to set up a HUMAN TRACKING SYSTEM - see cap for examples of 3 people's scores
Like a form of contact tracing that takes into account EVERYTHING to determine who needs another injection - like WHETHER YOU ATTEND RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS. Might be a super spreader'''

--BH: COVID has been cover for the imposition of this TRACKING SYSTEM and SOCIAL CREDIT SCORING.--

HOW THEY THINK: By being a human being, you are infectious.

BH: If a bunch of like-minded people get together, it will flag that group to get a booster soon. Or make them sick/dead.

PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT defined asa preventtive measure taken to fend off a kisease or another unwanted consequence
They can also inject you with a microorganism.

Gov't may mandate that we have to download an APP to help gov't with logistics of vax procedures.

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