Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 11:55 No.109703 del
>Representatives of SA, Angola and Cuba in the Joint Monitoring Commission, with US (Chester Crocker), Soviet (Anatoly Adamishin) [Before the Soviet Union’s ‘fall’], and UNTAG observation, meet at Mount Etjo to salvage the independence plan.

>Both De Beers and Anglo American were obviously enormously enamored with Crocker. By 1990 [the year Mandela was released], they had appointed him as a director of Minorco, which was based in Luxembourg and “the main overseas investor for Oppenheimer funds”

“Memorandum of Conversation Between Assistant Secretary Chester Crocker and Anatoly Adamishin. Subject: Southern Africa”

Below is an excerpt

Date: May 29, 1988
Place: Foreign Ministry Guest House, Moscow
Participants: Chester Crocker, Assistant Secretary, US Dept. of State

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