Corruption Is Still An Issue! Anonymous 12/13/2022 (Tue) 15:31 Id: 33e83e No.114239 del
For the seventh year in the past decade, Americans name dissatisfaction with the government as the nation’s top problem in 2022. An average of 19% of U.S. adults have mentioned some aspect of the government as the most important problem facing the country in Gallup’s 11 measures this year. The government edges out the high cost of living or inflation (16%) and outpaces the economy in general (12%). Further down the list, immigration, unifying the country, COVID-19, race relations and crime each average 4% to 6% of mentions in 2022.

The data show significant differences in partisans’ views of the nation’s top three problems. On average, Republicans are more likely than Democrats and independents to name the government as the most pressing issue in 2022.

In addition, Republicans are more than twice as likely as Democrats to name inflation and the economy in general, while the readings among independents fall between the two partisan groups.

Immigration is considered a top problem more so among Republicans than Democrats and independents, while the opposite is true of race relations and abortion issues.